The Baby Laughs

“A day without laughter is wasted.”

Charlie Chaplin

Finally, as the mother/step-mother of 5 children I am beginning to understand that I do have limits. I was attempting to go on full-throttle as if I still had two kids….I think I almost went crazy. I have now realized I will NEVER EVER EVER go the grocery store with 5 children in tow. That’s just silly. I have also realized that doctor’s appointments, ideally, are for me and the sick child—no one else! Thankfully, Zack gets home from work (most days) before 4pm so I do have the opportunity to schedule appts. late in the afternoon while he keeps some of the clan at home.

With all of my self-realization I made Mia an appointment for her 4 month shots today at 11 am. I would take Livie but the other kiddos would still be at school. No big deal, Livie is quiet and can entertain herself. HAH! School is let out early due to an ice storm quickly approaching the county. So, Abigail, Trendon, and Skyler are dropped off at 10:30. Too late to cancel the appointment so I toss them all in the van and start calculating bribes for good behavior all the while dreading being stuck in a room the size of a bathroom with 5 restless children. I put in a phone call to my rock. Approved. I can bribe them with happy meals. Sweet.

Our family is always a spectacle when we travel together. So many children… all looking the same age. I am often asked, “Are they all yours?” “Are some of them twins?” We have perplexed so many….I really should come up with a sarcastic comeback to these gawkers. But I digress, amidst the stares and gawks of strangers we tromp into the doctors office without too much of a hitch and even get back to the teensy weensy appointment room, no problem.

Mia’s restless. Trendon’s crying…Livie wants his toy. Abby is trying to do homework and can’t think of a word that ryhmes with tag. Skyler drops her sucker on the germy floor but still wants to eat it. Trendon cheers up and then spills 1/2 a bag of M & M’s. I am surely sweating and have likely said “Shush, please!” like 56 times…when I realize Mia is smiling all over herself. I began to baby talk to her and tickle her belly when she lets out the most beautiful, heart-warming sound a Mommy has ever heard. A real live belly laugh! So beautiful, so pure and continued everytime I tickle her. Then I realize, we may be a spectacle, strangers may think we are insane, I sometimes want to pull my hair out…..but I wouldn’t trade these special moments for anything. We are so blessed by this gigantic family. Thank you, God!

MISC Updates:

Mia weighed 16 lbs 2 oz at her appt today. That puts her in the 95th percentile for both height and weight…..she’s definitely getting fed well!

Skyler & I are FINALLY getting new glasses on Saturday. Skyler wants pink Hannah Montana glasses. Her and I are going to have SO much fun playing dress up in the office! I can’t wait. Watch for pics!

6 thoughts on “The Baby Laughs

  1. Hey Sarah~ I know all too well what you are talking about! I only have three but WOW when we go to the Dr. or any where for that matter, people never fail to stare! Briley hates to sit in one spot for more than a few min., Zoe is always wanting everything she sees and Austin likes to wander off! So all you hear is Austin get over here and don’t get out of my sight and Zoe you have enough toys you are not getting that all the while I’m goo-goo-gaa-gaa’ing Briley! But i try to ignore the looks and stares and think , ok April these people have gone through it with there kids OR wait till they have kids and they will see… LOL… as sweat runs off of every part of my body. But for so long i thought i was just me but I’m slowly learning that it’s all mommies. Sarah any time you need me to care for the kids so you can get some things done, please feel free to ask! I would me more than happy to help you out! And of course the kids would love to have new friends!!! I would love it! You are such a great mommy and you have so much patients! You can teach me that! LOL… I need it! GREAT TRUE STORY!!!!!!


  2. Ah-ha! What sweetness your family adds to my life. I can just hear the sound of that baby giggle. It wraps you up inside its melodious sound. Naomi will be just tickled pink that you have a family blog. We love you so!


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